James Cameron’s Avatar Sequels 'Begin Shooting This Summer'

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Actor and blue Na’vi princess Zoe Saldana has said James Cameron’s Avatar sequels will finally begin shooting this summer. The schedule is a monster.

There has been much speculation over the production schedule for the Avatar sequels, of which there are four planned by the blockbuster director. The reason it has been troublesome to lock down Avatar's production is because James Cameron wants to shoot all four movies back-to-back.

Effectively this is one enormous project that should roll through all four films and since the director loves being on the bleeding edge of tech advancement in film, it has caused some issues with getting everything organised. Not to mention working around other people's schedules for filming on other projects.

“We haven’t shot it yet. Anything I can tell you about Avatar 2,3,4,5? We’re going to start this summer. Late summer, and it’s probably going to go all the way until early next year shooting, and I’m really excited about it," Zoe Saldana told Screen Rant.

Very little is known about the sequels for Avatar except that it's likely set on Pandora though there has been talk of exploring its underwater depths. How much time has past for the original cast is unknown or whether Earth is gearing up to try again with their mining efforts given mankind's resource troubles back home. The first Avatar movie took James Cameron ten years but now he's going to shoot four of them at once, which will at least streamline the whole process.

Meanwhile the big-time director has announced another collaboration with Ubisoft and their Massive Entertainment studio as they unveiled an Avatar video game project, powered by Ubisoft's own Snowdrop engine.

James Cameron’s Avatar 2 soon goes into full production with a tentative cinema date of 2019.

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