Japanese Government Provides Safety Tips for Pokemon Go

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Stay safe out there folks! Pokemon Go is serious business and Japan's National Center for Incident Readiness and Cybersecurity knows it.

They've released a poster for the impending release warning players about possible risks or issues they might come across when the game drops in its home country.

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The poster reminds you to protect your personal information by using a nickname, and not taking photos near your house. Additionally, it asks you to be careful of scam apps and cheat tools, and says that you should definitely download a weather app!

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Make sure to watch out for heat stroke, carry a reserve battery for your phone, and be prepared so that you can contact your family in case of an emergency.  

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Finally, don't enter dangerous areas like walking off cliffs or... y'know, playing while driving. Also, be careful of people who say they want to meet you and do not walk while using your phone.

Would you add anything to the list? Let us know in the comments below.

Pokemon GO
Catch your Pokémon in the real world with Pokémon GO on your iPhone or Android devices! A brand new Pokemon adventure...
Release Dates
31 Jul 2016-iOS
31 Jul 2016-Android
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