Ubisoft "Delighted To Confirm" Beyond Good & Evil 2 In The Works At Montpellier Studio

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It's happening. Ubisoft has thrown out any lasting ambiguity and confirmed Beyond Good & Evil 2 is in development with creator Michel Ancel at their Montpellier Studio.

"If you've been waiting for news about BG&E... well, here you go! We are delighted to confirm that Michel Ancel is currently working with the Ubisoft Montpellier Studio on a new Beyond Good & Evil game," Ubisoft announced through Facebook.

Are the end times upon us? It's possible. Beyond Good & Evil 2 has long been a fever dream for fans of the original, especially when nothing became of that original teaser trailer over half a decade ago. It all seemed to fall apart.

As of October 6th, 2016 - Beyond Good & Evil 2 is officially confirmed to be in development with creator Michel Ancel at the Ubisoft Montpellier Studio.

Beyond Good & Evil 2
Embark on this epic space adventure with us and journey to System 3, for the prequel to one of Ubisoft’s most beloved...
Release Dates
TBA-Xbox One
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